Thursday, 4 June 2015

[Music]: Feel Good Summer

The pop music industry goes into over drive to create summer anthems with the likes of Rihanna, Pitbull, Avicii running back to their studios to create five lines of lyrics and pull out a beat from Calvin Harris or Pharrell Williams' big bag of sampled tunes. However, for me some of the most enduring and endearing summer time music are off the beaten track

But what makes for a good 'summer song'? For me, it should have the following factors:
  • sing-a-longability: easy lyrics that you can remember and sing along to
  • easy melody: something that can get stuck in your head
  • memories: songs that evoke memories of last summer always seem to work this summer
And this does not mean that they have to be pop songs that are burning up the charts. There are the songs you can listen to every summer, year after year.

Weezer - Island In The Sun

Baby animals! Lion cubs, chimps, puppies, bear cubs .... SO CUTE! And that's just the video. The sunny disposition of the song talks of running away and never feeling bad anymore. Easy, breezy summer buddy time.

For those of you in Pakistan or without access to YouTube, click here to watch.

Scissor Sisters - San Luis Obispo

Now summer time, doesn't always have be to happy time. Perhaps, she left you, But now it's time to look ahead and fall in love with San Luis Obispo instead. Because places are so much better than people (primarily because they cannot leave).

For those of you in Pakistan or without access to YouTube, click here to listen.

Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way

Summer is incomplete without some classic disco! Time to retire your 'I Will Survive' karaoke routine and replace it with this 1977 hit instead.


For those of you in Pakistan or without access to YouTube, click  here to listen.

Estrella - Stay

This sugary single by Malaysian indie band, Estrella feels like reconnecting with an ex that you're not quite over yet. Clearly, I am not talking about myself. Add this to your summer playlist and smile to yourself.

For those of you in Pakistan or without access to YouTube, click  here to watch.

George Michael - Outside

Because it's summer time and sometimes you need to take the party outside. And who better to tell us to do things we should not be doing than George Michael. Possibly NSFW.

For those of you in Pakistan or without access to YouTube, click  here to watch

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